of Language Experience Approach
Taylor in Harrell (1997 : 203), states The language experience approach (LEA) is a whole language approach
that promotes reading and writing through the use of personal experiences and
oral language.

"What I can think about, I can talk about.
What I can say, I can write.
What I can write, I can read.
I can read what I can write and what other people can write for me
to read."
"Language Experience Approach to teaching reading and writing builds
on the learner's own language and knowledge and is an effective way to encourage
self expression and build awareness of the connections between oral and written
language" (Van Allen and Halversen in Maria Kubiznova 2009 : 25).
B. Characteristics of Language Experience Approach
Taylor in Maria Kubiznova (2000 :27-29), states that Charateristic of language experience approach is possible to distinguish between two main versions of Language Experience Approach:
1. The personal Experience
This original form of LEA lies in a simple transcription of an
individual learner's personal experience. The teacher’s aide, or in a
mixed-ability class a more proficient learner transcribes the experience as the
learner dictates it without any corrections of grammar or vocabulary. The
learner is able to see what is being written down. This transcription is then
used as the basis for writing and reading activities. Before any writing occurs,
the experience is discussed in detail. Individual activity are suggested
for following :
a) Conferring with students about writing individual.
b) Conferring with students concerning their
c) Helping with spelling or word recognition.
2. The group experience
In a class situation, the experience may spring from an event the
learners had participated in or from the topics the learners have in common. The
language experience approach can be used in small groups, pairs or as a whole
class activity. Taylor suggested following steps when implementing the language
experience approach into a class:
a) Children working, reading, writing or playing games with each
b) Teacher reading and writing with individuals or
c) Meeting a group’s skill needs
d) Completing work initiated with class
e) Editing manuscripts for publication
f) Planning and rehearsing dramatizations
To sum up, the above mentioned procedure can be flexibly adjusted
according to students' needs and interests. It consists of a few simple steps:
experiencing, talking about the experience, taking dictation, rereading and
extending the experience further on. It can be employed in various classroom
settings, from individual teaching to a whole-class teaching since it is very
versatile. There exist many possibilities of adapting the LEA technique for
learners of different levels and expanding the outcome by follow-up activities (
Taylor in Maria Kubiznova. 2000 :27-29).
The following guidelines may help the teacher in developing creative
writing abilities from these beginings :
1. Students should want to write rather than be coerced into writing.
2. Doing
3. Instructions to students should be simple and
4. Creative writing topics may be suggested, but students should be
encouraged to write about anything they wish.
5. Students should be encouraged to write legibly and accurately, but not
interferring with flow of their ideas.
6. Students ideas should be encouraged to flow freely through teacher assistance and questioning when
( Stauffer in Tierney,
Robert . 1970: 352
D. The Advantages of Language Experience Approach
Applying the language experience approach is believed to have numerous benefits for the second language learners.
The principal advantages of the LEA include the following:
1. The LEA is an integrative approach.
2. The LEA enriches learners' vocabulary.
3. The LEA can be used in mixed-ability classes.
4. The LEA can be adjusted for learners of all
5. The LEA takes advantage of cooperative language
6. Students learn in less stressful
learning environment..
7. The LEA stimulates learners' self-expression.
8. The LEA increases students' motivation
to learn the target language. ( Maria Kubiznova 2009: 32-35)
To summarize, incorporating the LEA in a language class may
be very advantegous for many reasons. This unique integrative approach can
be adapted for students of various levels and abilities. It facilitates the creation of supportive
atmosphere for second language learning while taking advantage of the
cooperative learning. In addition to this, it stimulates learners'
self-expression and motivates them to learn and communicate in the target